Are you a newbie into the world of seo and looking forward to gaining a rank on serp 1page on google in 2022? If yes, then you are in the best place. Here we will share top three seo strategies that are surely going to let your rankings increase on the basis of our experts experience. Make sure you are follow each one of them.
1. Technical seo:
through technical we optimize website so that help search engine bots’ crawl and index your site more effectively and it will help in improving your organic rankings
i) mobile first
a ‘responsive’ website design which can easily readable on mobile version, make sure your website is proper working on mobile. According to a survey more then 65% of searches conducted on mobile device and if your website is not mobile responsible so you gone see downfall in your website ranking.
As we all know google added mobile friendliness as a ranking factor so you should need to work on that. . And, with the introduction of google’s ‘mobile first’ approach to indexing content, a responsive website is now more important than ever.
Ii) Website speed
Search engines prefer website that load quickly: page speed is considered an important ranking signal.
Some tips to improve speed up your website
i) Fast hosting
ii) use CDN
convert your all images to next generation image format recommendation webp format .
Reduce your image file size without compromising on quality of image.
Compress your web page
minify your site code – css and javascript and html
use good quality chases plugins
iii) create an xml sitemap
An xml sitemap is a file that helps search engines to understand your website stature – for example your website is a country and sitemap is road to explore it. It also contains useful information about each page on your site, like
When a page was last modified;
What priority it has on your site;
How frequently it is updated.
Structured data
structured data is code which we add on our website to help search engines better understand the content on it. Structured data help search engines index your site effectively and provide more relevant results to user.
Use of ssl
ssl means secure sockets layer is a security technology which creates an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. In 2014 google announced that they wanted to see ‘https everywhere’, to provide safe search and that secure https websites were going to be given preference over non-secure ones in search results, also ssl is ranking factor.
2. content’s the king
as we all know a website is place where we share lots of informational content.
Understand one thing that your seo campaign can’t survive without content. It’s mean, you must continually keep your primary focus on improving the quality of your content.
In recent time google launched so many updates based on quality of content, it’s clearly show that google only want to rank good quality content.
3. Human first approach
when you are writing content or optimizing website, it’s important to remember that your primary audience is humans. You should be optimizing for your human readers, you don’t want to make it difficult for them to understand your content.
How human-first content help you to improve seo?
When it comes down to it, search engine optimization is all about two things: providing content that engages users and meeting search engines’ guidelines.
Instead of starting with keywords that people use, we frequently do so in the first example, where seo specialists typically concentrate on google. It turns out that person-first content not only ticks all the right boxes, but also dominates both seo facets. Let’s discuss the benefits of person-first content for searchers as we’re talking about putting people first.
Deliver what people want
In the long term, balance is everything. You might be failing to connect with your audience if all of your efforts are directed just at pleasing search engines.
You’ll probably overlook the other elements search engines value if you solely design your website from the user’s point of view.
I’m convinced that your efforts will be rewarded once you hit that sweet spot that enables you to keep both users and search engines in mind.
Learning is every thing
It’s crucial to always be eager to learn new things and get better not only in digital marketing but in every field learning id everything.
The same manner that google will never stop modifying its search algorithm, you should never stop looking for novel strategies to draw website visitors and raise your search rating.
One of the most important abilities a professional can have is the ability to expand their knowledge, not only in their sector but also in other areas that may have an impact on their career.